Land Surveying Services
Level and Feature Surveys or ResCode Land Surveys
These surveys are used to provide a detailed assessment about the current state of your property prior to planning the build, and the information is used in your submission for a Planning or Building Permit. Existing features such as significant trees, the slope of the block, neighbouring windows and private open space can all have a significant impact on the design of your building project. Our Feature Surveys depict the fall of the land, the location of houses, utility connections, driveways, fences, neighbouring property information, trees and the orientation of the block.
Surveys to AHD
AHD levels link your level and feature survey into the Australian Height Datum which indicates the precise height of your block in relation to sea level. It is used for planning in regard to flood hazards, drainage and any potential height constraints.
Site Analysis and Neighbourhood Surveys
These surveys involve a not only a Level and Feature Survey of the property, but also compiles information about many of your neighbouring properties to ensure that your plans to build fit in with your local neighbourhood. Councils are often interested in neighbouring property heights and locations, as well as habitable windows and private open space. Wilson Surveying have experience in these surveys across all of the different councils in Melbourne, and in dealing with the specific requirements of each council for a Site Analysis survey.
Title Re-establishment Surveys
Title Re-establishment Surveys (also known as Boundary Surveys) will determine the physical location of your property boundary and are carried out by a licensed surveyor. It may be necessary to know the precise location of your boundary when building a new fence, when extending or building a house close to a boundary, or in preparation for subdividing your block. A title re-establishment survey is often carried out in conjunction with a Feature Survey as the first step in any construction process.