Why do I need a Feature and Level survey?
In the process of obtaining a building permit for a new house, extension, pool or sub-division you are likely to need a feature and level survey so that your house modifications or design is appropriate to the block and complies with the ResCode.
What is included on my Feature Survey?
The survey details everything on the property currently, from houses, trees and fences to service connections and neighbouring properties. The levels on your property will be used to calculate contours to show the slope of your block.
The survey plan will be provided in an AutoCAD format, or .dwg file. The plan will consist of a drawing of all the features sighted on the block with an overlay of the title as per the provided plan of subdivision, and will show:
*visible title pegs and title marks
*fence and retaining wall locations, height and construction
*crossover location
*all services sighted on the day including water, electrical, gas and sewer
*location of any house or sheds on site
*Location, height and canopy spread of all significant trees – trees must be greater than 3m tall or 150mm in diameter.
*neighbouring property information: all house walls to the front and side of the property where accessible; ridge, eave and gutter locations and heights; door and window locations and habitable/non-habitable designation; significant trees within 3m of the boundary; identification of private open spaces.
*TBM placement and contours across the property
*contours converted to AHD if required by the client
Do I need a Title Re-establishment Survey?
If you do not have title pegs present on your property, you may also require a re-establishment survey. A title re-establishment survey is carried out by our licensed surveyor to physically define the legal boundaries of your property, and may be required for housing and fence construction purposes. A re-establishment survey combined with a feature survey is also the first step required when planning to subdivide or develop your block to ensure that you can plan a development appropriate to the legal boundary of your property and other existing features.
Can I get my levels to AHD?
For an extra charge, we can provide you with AHD levels to your block. AHD is the Australian Height Datum, which measures the height of your block against sea level. This level is important when determining flood and drainage issues on a block in certain council areas.
Can I get my survey in digital format?
Our surveys are provided as CAD files in .dwg format, the most common filetype required by draftspeople and architects.
What information do I need to provide to Wilson Surveying?
You will need to supply a property address and a copy of title.